Friday 29 August 2014

Brief hints and tips on how to use this blog / website

1) Welcome, this blog/website covers a few diverse topics, not just C Saxophones. If you'd like to just view (e.g.) just 'C' related posts, look to your right for a Section titled "Select which type of Posts to view...", and click on "C-Melody / C-Tenor Saxophones" - and only those posts will be shown. Click on 'Home' in the top LH corner, or "Show all Posts" at the top of the page, to show everything.  Check out the 'tabs' above too.

2) You can still read the old posts etc. on the original blog - click here - but new posts will be on this blog.  I'm working on all the 'returns' to come back here, but in the interim you may have to use your browser 'back' key.

3)  To be able to comment on any of the Posts or Pages here, you will need a Google login (or an associated account, i.e. Wordpress, Yahoo, Flickr, myspace, OpenID etc.) - for more info, and/or to get an OpenID account, please click here.  That's about it, scroll down the screen to continue, enjoy !

Tuesday 26 August 2014

(Test 4) - Embed a SoundCloud mp3 track on Blogger.....

On a King C-Melody sax, with a Jody Jazz (alto) HR* 9M mouthpiece - rather open tip - and a Rico Royal #2 BASS Clarinet reed... Rather eccentric setup, but, apart from the tip opening (.105" ?), quite a bit of similarity to the old 20's setup... The bass clari reed is an excellent fit for the JJ alto mouthpiece table/tip profile.
AS I now play Bb tenor, I could be searching for a slightly more unique and/or individual C-Tenor sound than the normal 'tenor mouthpiece' type !

And now for something completely different - just a bit of a waffle on tenor sax, decades ago, way down in the mix, at a recording session in Wokingham - Peter Howe was the singer. Who dubbed that squeak in ????

(Test 3) How easy is it to put a Youtube Video up on Google Blogger ?

Guess it's just a case of going into Youtube and 'sharing' it with the big orange B (above)....

How about embedding the code (below, using latest code, not the old set), after selecting the size ?

Wednesday 20 August 2014

(Test 2) A bare-brass King C-Melody (C-Tenor) saxophone.

Just a trial of embedding a slideshow from Picasa Web Albums - the horn is a bare-brass King C-Melody (C-Tenor) saxophone.  Enjoy the pictures...

btw, the mouthpiece is a Couf 'slimline' tenor sax ebonite 'jazz' (high step baffle), J10S.